Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Shelly's Images 2nd Birthday - Blog Candy Winners!

Thank you SO very much for all of the nice posts for our 2nd Birthday here at Shelly's Images.  It means so much to hear from our friends and know that they are enjoying the digi stamps and the work we do at the blog.

And I am TERRIBLE at giveaways like this, because I want everyone to win.  :)

Unfortunately I have only one envelope sitting here on my desk ready to be addressed and mailed off to one lucky winner.  

Drum roll please...................

The winner of our Blog Candy is....Robin from Robin's Reflections!
Congratulations Robin.  
Please visit the store at www.shellysimages.com.  Choose two of your favorite digi stamps.
Then email me at shelly@shellysimages.com.  Include in your email the names of the two digi stamps that you chose and your mailing address so that I can send off your fun package.

The winner of our "Choice of 6" digi stamps is......Cathy from KraftyKoolKat!
Congratulations Cathy.
Visit the store and choose 6 of your favorite digi stamps (up to $18 in value).  Send me an email that includes the names of the digi stamps that you chose.  I will send out your new digi stamps as soon as possible.

We ALMOST made it to 50 entries.  So we will go ahead and have two random winners who will receive one digi stamp of their choice from our store (up to $3 in value)

Our first "Choice of 1" digi stamp winner is ......Lorianna from Lorianna's Corner.
Congratulations Lorianna!
Please email me with the name of the digi stamp that you chose from our store.

Our second "Choice of 1" digi stamp winner is....Anne from Card Challenges.
Congratulations Anne!
Please email me with the name of the digi stamp that you chose from our store.


  1. Congrats girls, enjoy your prizes!

  2. Congrats girls!

    LOL but :( whenever I see the name Cathy I always read it as Carly first and my breath catches ...... sigh ... Congrats Cathy :)

    oxoxo Carly

  3. Congratulations to you all:) Sandra H

  4. aawww Carly. :( I can see why you would see your name when Cathy is typed.

    Thanks for joining us. Wishing you better luck next time.

  5. Wow!!! I am really chuffed I won. THANK YOU!!! I am off to choose.


  6. Congratulations to all the winners!!!

  7. Thanks so much!!!!
    Off to pick one of your FABULOUS digis!!!
    And congrats to all!!
