
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Winner of TTT Challenge with a Holiday Twist

Thanks so much to everyone who left a sweet comment for our TTT Challenge last week. 

I read all of the comments and they really mean so much to me.

The random winner from the challenge is...


Congratulations Hazel.  Just go to and choose your favorite image.  Email me at and I will send it right out to you!

Happy New Year Challenge!

Happy New Year Challenge!

Oh I'm counting down the days and the hours till the New Year will begin.

Let me tell you something funny! Amand and I(Marion) will enter the new year earlier than the most of you girls! We live in the Netherlands and the time difference with most of you is about 8 hours at this time!

But that doesn't mean that I won't think of all you followers and my fellow team members and their families! 
On the contrary.... when we go over to the New Year I will bring out a toast to all of you!

I so loved all your comments on all the posts that we made. And all your work that was entered in our challenges were of such a high quality!!! 
Thank you all for that!

Now to get to the point of this weeks challenge!!!
Do you remember how simpel and easy it was last week?
Well we decided to give you another fun and easy week again.

so all you have to do is leave a lovely comment en tell us what your favorite thing on the blog for the last year was. Or which image is your most favorite(I know that is hard to choose!!!)  below here to make a change on winning a fabulous prize from Shelly's Images!

So don't wait any longer... just go there and please tell us what it is!

For now, I wish you all a wonderful, Spectacular and most of all Save Year Change
and a healthy, creative and wonderful 2011!

With love from the complete team of Shelly's Images and

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Here's a little Tuesday Tutorial for ya!

Okay, so I'm cheatin' a little today - Yep, today is officially "Cheater Tutorial Tuesday"!  I've been surfin' for fabulously fun and unique projects - aka treat bags for my niece and nephew (and maybe some for a few grown-ups too) and found this super cute little 'Origami' treat box.
While it won't be ME SHOWING you how to make it - trust me, you don't want me to do a video tutorial - I talk fast most of the time, too much with my hands and did I mention I have the ability to cover 50 topics in 2.2 seconds. . . . I get that ability from my momma! But, I digress (as usual) - I thought I'd share this fantastic tutorial I found on HOW to make them.

So, here is the link to the COSMO CRICKET "How to Fold a Treat Bag Video Tutorial".

Shelly had a terrific treat bag tutorial back for Halloween - that she was nice enough to SHOW you how to make with details photos and measurements - that can be found HERE

I've made a few of the ones Shelly showed us how to make, and they've turned out delightful but of course because I THINK I need VARIETY in my life, I wanted to give these little boxes a try too. 
Plus, some of the Halloween treats I gathered for my niece and nephew might fit a little better in a treat box vs a treat bag.
Okay, who am I kidding - I really just wanted to try some paper Origami and actually succeed in MAKING something out of 1 piece of paper (instead of swearing a lot as I'm folding and having my end product be shredded and in the circular file.....).
The great thing about these little treat boxes - switch the paper and decorations a bit and you can use them for just about any other holiday or occasion you'd like!
Happy Foldin' - I'd love to see what you create!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Spotlight On . . .

Wedding & Anniversary

Here is a fantastic project by Amanda using Shelly's Images "Bride and Groom" digi stamp.


We hope this cute card will inspire your projects.  Be sure to click on our "Spotlight On" category in the side bar for more great projects.  Or click on the specific Holiday or project type that you are working on for more great ideas and inspiration.